About Me

My name is Mindy and I am the stay-at-home mother of three rambunctious and utterly beguiling little girls.  I sling because it makes my life easier and allows me to be closer to my little one while still managing to get things done and handle all the other responsiblities that seem to get thrown my way.  I have been married to my husband for nigh ten years and love the life we have carved out for one another. 

I do not plan to maintain this blog much, but rather intend to set it up with "how to's" and refer people to it when they ask about the slings I am wearing.  I assure you, it's much easier to do that than try to explain how to make a sling whilst standing in an ever diminishing grocery line.  I also don't like giving my phone number to random strangers.  Feel free to email me at mindyoja AT hotmail DOT com if you have any questions and I will try to answer them to the best of my ability or refer you to someone who can.

Happy slingin',